Face-to-Face is Best

If you are sharing bad news with one individual, it is best to do it face-to-face. Doing builds goodwill but will allow you to receive feedback from the recipient. The feedback

facethat not only comes in statements, but also via body language, the tone of voice, and facial expressions. Goodwill is an important foundation for a company. It establishes credibility and makes you more likely to have loyal customers. As for feedback, we all know this is the fastest, most direct way to receive information that can vastly improve your company or the situation.

Authority Rules Persuasion


Authority is a real world example of how persuasion works. Start with Nike Jordans, Nike sells their Air Jordans based off of the name (authority) and the hang time a man could achieve before making a three-point shot,  Micheal Jordan. Jordan hasn’t played professional basketball since 2003, but Jordan shoes only continue to rise in price, demand, and popularity.

Thank You Notes After Job Interviews


  A thank-you note or email is a way to show genuine appreciation for somebody’s time and efforts and make that person feel good for those efforts. I would use a hand written note for the medium. Handwritten thank-you notes would make the best impression and in the competitive work field today, you’ve got to stand out in the crowd. Writing a thank-you note for the job interview not only shows genuine appreciation but also helps them remember you, giving you better odds of getting the job.


I would avoid emails in this situation. You want a face to go with your name and whose to say if the hiring manager will see an email in time or at all. Stick with a handwritten thank-you note, it will make the most effective impact towards your goal.

How to Track Changes in Word Document 2016

Track change is an effect tool to allow others to view and comment on your documents, simultaneously editing within a group.

  1. Open the document that you want to revise.
  2. On the Review Tab, in the Tracking group, click the Track Changes button.
  3. Click the drop-down box next toTrack Changes, select All Markup.
  4. Click New Comment to add comments to selected text.
  5. Delete text to remove it from the document.

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